colour HACKS

Summer is now well and truly upon us. We are now embracing longer; brighter and warmer days. While its more likely to run alongside a tinge of rain now,we are all feelingmore energised and looking forward to that hard saved for holiday!

We can also continue to embrace and train our mindset by drawing on the season that we so look forward to every year. Its' a time to embrace the soft subtle nature of summer so often enriched with pale soft colours and optimism. The mind belongs to us as we all already know. We accept or refuse thoughts sent to us and equally how we respond to those we allow in.

But yellow compliments our verbal affirmations as it is associated with positivism; confidence and success. It's not unusual for large companies to incorporate it into their logo or web designs to help reinforce their success. Because of yellow's relationship with the colour of the sun, we are more likely to feel psychologically warm as well as physically, helping us to balance the chakra and mood.

Yellow foods are also associated with goodness and more likely to induce similar feelings, so try some hot lemon water or yellow bell peppers. Be wary however not to overdo it, as too much yellow can create an imbalance of over confidence. A summer touch of softened pastels such as peach or pale blue into your day will help balance things out.

However, continue to fill up your thoughts and emotions past and present with positive and regular self affirmations. Remember to tell yourself of what you want to achieve and believe it is happening right now. Take care of your breathing and enjoy this most beautiful time of the year! 
